A Logo and an SEO/Social pass
By David
For Project: ProjectGallery.Me
published: January 7, 2023
last updated: January 7, 2023

Today, I finally got around to doing the hard part: making a logo.

Being completely phobic of anything resembling design work, my first approach was to try out some AI tools, but couldn't find anything that seemed to work. Then, I tried some of the more traditional, established logo design services with similar results.

Then I remembered that I had a Canva subscription that I've used probably once in the last year. I queued up a few tutorial videos on the topic and after a few minutes, took a step back and reminded myself that I'm still working with an MVP. And in the same way I'm ok cutting software development corners, I should be ok cutting corners here. So i just slapped up the name and the tag line and picked an icon. Boom. Done.

The result can be seen here.

The next item of business was to add open graph and twitter tags to enable eye-catching cards. For the base site, I am using the above image. For projects, I am using the first image of the project in question. And the journal posts currently show no image (though, that's probably a bug since I would expect the base site image to be showing). Once I add images to journal entries, that will similarly be shown in the preview card.

The tests posts for these can be found here.

Tomorrow, my main target will be the home page and clarifying the purpose of the platform.
